Series 2 Vol 17 (2017)



Articles featured:

  • Helping the Stones to Speak: The Corca Dhuibhne 3D community project (Isabel Bennett, Nora White and Gary Devlin)
  • An Ogham stone in the Black Valley (Fionnbarr Moore)
  • References to Thomas Ashe in the Bureau of Military History Witness Statements (Tony Bergin)
  • Townland, ‘Gneeve’ and ‘Cos’; Land taxes and ‘Cows’ grass’ (JF Collins)
  • Íochtar Cua & the Stone Rows of Kerry (Michael Connolly)


Articles featured:

  • Helping the Stones to Speak: The Corca Dhuibhne 3D community project (Isabel Bennett, Nora White and Gary Devlin)
  • An Ogham stone in the Black Valley (Fionnbarr Moore)
  • References to Thomas Ashe in the Bureau of Military History Witness Statements (Tony Bergin)
  • Townland, ‘Gneeve’ and ‘Cos’; Land taxes and ‘Cows’ grass’ (JF Collins)
  • Íochtar Cua & the Stone Rows of Kerry (Michael Connolly)

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