A Tale of Two Cathedrals: Aghadoe and Arfdert – 12th Century Religious Reform (Elizabeth O’Donoghue/Ross)
Historical Fisheries: Irish Pilchard Fishery and Historical Fish Harvesting and Processing Methods, Fish Products and Consumption (Liam Downey and Ingelise Stuijts)
The Copper Mines of Killarney (Des Cowman)
Fundraising in an Irish Provincial Town: A Story from the 19th Century (J.M. Feheney)
‘De Bello Clerico’: Fr Batt O’Connor’s attack on the Evangelical Missionaries (Hugh O’Reilly)
Seachtain na Cásca 1916 I gCiarraíl (Pádraig Ó Siochfhradha, An Seabhac (in eagar ag Feargal Mac Amhlaoibh)